Wednesday, August 21, 2013

From Then to Now

It was 10 years ago this week (early June) that I graduated high school. Which means it's about three weeks shy of being my 10 year anniversary in North Carolina. Because once I left, I didn't go back, save for the occasional family/friend visit. It's funny to think how some days the decision between jam or syrup on waffles will stump me for an hour, but the decision to move to this state was as easy as knowing either way, butter goes on the waffles first. Since my blog is inspired by the transitions in my life, I figured this particular transition, one which truly changed the direction of my life, was due a post. So let's take a look and then and now.

I was in a serious relationship and was convinced everyone had a person meant for them.

I'm married to someone who knows as well as I do that relationships are serious work. Not at all like the stuff Nicholas Sparks portrays in his novels. More like the slogan for Lowe's: Let's Build Something Together. But, the payoff with this view is that much greater.

Side note: I am clutching this piece of delicious cake because it was one of the only things I got to eat that day. Don't worry, I had plenty of liquids.
I drove a sweet ride. (Don't laugh. I was a teenager, it was paid for, and I had friends who drove much worse vehicles).

I cruise in a mommy mobile. At least it's still adventure-based (according to Subaru's convincing messaging).

I knew I'd get my bachelor's degree and a great job. End of story.
I have my bachelor's, my master's, and I work for an 8 month old. And I love it.


I had good friends, and I loved Friends.

I have strengthened friendships, gained some great new ones, reconnected with a best one, and I still love Friends. But it does sting a little to see it on Nick at Night (when did it replace Happy Days???).

I had no idea about Facebook and barely used email. I didn't drink coffee, sip wine, or know anything about teething.

I loved writing and had aspirations of having an audience one day.

Thanks for reading!